School and Monastery Gate Renovation

At the entrance to our school grounds is a stuccoed gate that has weathered over the years. Ken Colson, a board member of our non-profit organization, donated funds to re-paint it. A team of West Valley students and professors  volunteered to start the process of renovating it. The gate was blackened by lichen, so it had to be sanded to prep the gate for painting with a primer. As the photos below show, the team got the project off to a great start!

(Far Left) The back side of the gate shows just how blackened with lichens the gate is. The middle photo shows the road from the highway and a sign denoting that this area is an “open defecation free” zone. The sign is a reminder of a major problem in Cambodian villages; many families cannot afford to build a simple latrine. One the right, Isha Prabahakar begins work priming the left side of the gate.

(Left) Isha and Prof. Tim Kelly roll on the first coat of primer. (Center) Prof. Kelly primes the back side of the gate. (Right) Prof. Andy Kindon, Isha, and Prof. Kelly work on the left post.