Medical Supplies

We hand-carry medical supplies to our school each year to ensure that students have access to quality products that solve basic medical needs. We have supplemented these supplies at intervals with administration of Albendazole, an intestinal parasite medicine.

Take Action: help fund medical supplies ($120/year)

Our In-Country Director Sokna (left) talks with our nurse Sochea (right) while our driver looks on. They had just unpacked the medical supplies we brought from the U. S. (11/09)

Our Nurse Sochea

For four years, we funded the salary of an on-site nurse, Sochea. While on-site, she taught basic health classes and provided first aid and other basic health services for students. She was a great role model for students, especially girls. Unfortunately, we were unable to continue funding her salary.

In February 2018, Leland High School, San Jose sophomore Sofie Gmerek is traveling to our school to implement her Girl Scout Gold Award projects, one of which is to provide first aid and CPR training to students, teachers and villagers. Parents of other Leland High School students are researching how to provide classes in pre-natal and infant care. We hope that these activities create a sustainable way for teachers, villagers and students to continue to provide training to others in the areas of first aid, CPR training, and pre-natal and infant care.

Our in-country director Sokna uses our medical supplies to clean a skinned knee and apply a bandage to it.